3 Caps.JPG - 2004:12:24 12:30:18 Cap and Grandpa.JPG - 2004:12:24 12:28:33 Cap and Grandparents.JPG - 2004:12:24 12:29:10 Christmas 1.JPG - 2004:12:25 10:52:04 Christmas 2.JPG - 2004:12:25 10:52:29 Christmas 3.JPG - 2004:12:25 10:53:08 Corey and Cap.JPG - 2005:01:01 16:43:31 Corey, Cap, and Chet.JPG - 2005:01:01 16:47:29 Diaper Cap 1.JPG - 2005:01:01 16:37:24 Diaper Cap.JPG - 2005:01:01 16:38:12 Family Picture.JPG - 2005:01:01 16:46:28 Flying Cap.JPG - 2005:01:01 16:42:40 Grandpa's Story Time.JPG - 2004:12:25 11:17:59 Happy Cap.JPG - 2005:01:01 16:48:22 Jeni, Ruth, and Cap.JPG - 2005:01:01 16:49:09
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